How To Keep Yourself Protected from Monsoon-Related Diseases
Monsoon brings the much-needed respite after days and months of scorching heat but also its challenges. Monsoon-related diseases are one of them. It’s not the rainwater is to blame but the humidity and the water stagnation provide a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other organisms such as bacteria and viruses that can cause multiple infections and diseases. A lesser-known fact is that you are at twice the risk of being exposed to germs and organisms during the monsoons as the high moisture content facilitates the bacteria and viruses to flourish thereby increasing the chances of transmission. Moreover, most of the infections remain undiagnosed and can negatively affect the health of the person in the long run. The best bet is to take a few precautionary measures and ensure that the season ends on a happy and healthy note.
You may have heard these before but here is a reminder just in case for protecting you and your family.
1- Personal hygiene: This tip though simple and common, contributes significantly toward shielding against monsoon-related diseases. When we speak of personal hygiene, it includes washing hands frequently, especially before eating or touching your face, etc. you can use soap or a sanitizer. Taking a shower daily is important to keep the bacteria, fungi, and viruses away. And so is keeping your nails trimmed so that dirt along with germs doesn’t accumulate in them and land up in your body through the mouth. Covering your mouth while sneezing and coughing is a must too.
2- Avoid eating outside food: This may be a little challenging given the lovely weather and the urge to enjoy some delicious street food but that is where there is most risk of contamination and water-borne diseases. To keep diseases away it is important to keep the cooking utensils clean and sanitized, boil drinking water and use clean water for cooking, You must also ensure that you wash raw fruits and vegetables well before consuming them, and eat only freshly cooked food. Don’t forget to keep your food covered at all times.
3- Keep yourself hydrated: Does this one boggle you a bit? But the humidity during monsoons can dehydrate you due to excessive sweating. Hence you must keep yourself replenished and hydrated by sipping water at frequent intervals and using herbal teas, fruit juices, and lemon water.
4- Keep the mosquitoes away: This one is a big menace during the monsoons. To keep mosquitoes away you can use mosquito repellents and creams on your skin, wear full-sleeves and full-length clothing to minimize skin exposure for the mosquitoes to attack, and use mosquito nets while sleeping especially if you have infants and young children at home. Also, remember to shut the doors and windows at dawn and dusk to restrict the entry of the pests into your home. This way you will keep yourself safe from malaria, chikungunya, and dengue.
5- Keep the surroundings clean: This one is a no-brainer. Ensure the drains are unclogged and there is no stagnant water in or near your house. This becomes the breeding ground for germs. Keep the dustbins clean and ensure they are closed with lids and the garbage is disposed away daily. Remember to keep your home well-ventilated.
6- Build your immunity: Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, exercise adequately, get sufficient sleep, and consider taking some immunity-boosting supplements after consulting your doctor.
7- Take prompt medical action: Most of us don’t pay attention to fever and pop an analgesic thinking that it will be gone soon. However, the fever as we may not always realize may be indicative of a severe infection. Hence if you have symptoms like fever, body aches, diarrhea, and respiratory issues like difficulty in breathing then you must visit a doctor and get yourself checked immediately to avoid complications and passing on the infection to people around you. Try refraining from self-medicating yourself with over-the-counter medicines.
8- Get vaccinated: A good way to increase your immunity is to get yourself and your loved ones vaccinated against typhoid, influenza, etc to prepare the body well for any germ attack.
Don’t let the monsoon dampen your spirits and overall health. To continue enjoying the lovely season which brings a lot of good memories to the fullest, keep in mind the above simple preventive tips and keep yourself protected.
BY: Sukino
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