Oncology Rehabilitation

Oncology Rehabilitation is a specialized program supporting individuals who have undergone medical treatment or major surgeries such as gastrointestinal, abdominal, and other cancers. Oncology rehabilitation provides numerous advantages for cancer patients by helping them improve strength, reduce stress, regain independence, support their immune system, maintain energy levels necessary for treatment continuation and daily activities, and enhance endurance, strength, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life.

The dedicated integrative oncology rehabilitation care team at Sukino Healthcare comprises licensed physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech and language pathologists to deliver a personalized approach to cancer care. They collaborate with patients to determine the most beneficial oncology rehabilitation therapies for each patient based on their unique requirements. Once the personalized treatment plan is established, we continuously monitor the patient’s progress, assess their response, and make any necessary adjustments to the program.

Sukino Healthcare utilizes conventional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery to combat the disease. Additionally, the department also offers auriculotherapy and lymphedema prevention and treatment strategies. The various supportive therapies help manage cancer-related symptoms and side effects, enabling patients to focus on their healing process and minimize treatment delays. Furthermore, they are available round the clock to support patients’ physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Oncology Rehabilitation

Symptoms Managed by Oncology Rehabilitation

Oncology rehabilitation plays a crucial role in managing a wide range of side effects that cancer patients may experience during their treatment journey, including: 

Anxiety and Stress: Cancer diagnosis and treatment can lead to heightened anxiety and stress. Oncology rehabilitation incorporates techniques such as relaxation exercises, mindfulness, and counseling to help patients manage these emotional challenges.

Intimacy Challenges: Cancer and its treatments can affect intimacy and sexual function. Oncology rehabilitation offers counseling and strategies to address these issues, fostering communication and intimacy within relationships.

Balance: Certain cancer treatments or physical impairments can affect balance and increase the risk of falls. Oncology rehabilitation includes balance training exercises, assistive devices, and gait training to improve stability and reduce fall risks.

Lymphedema: Lymphedema, the swelling of limbs or other body parts due to a compromised lymphatic system, can occur after cancer surgeries or radiation therapy. Oncology rehabilitation employs manual lymphatic drainage, compression therapy, and exercise to manage and reduce lymphedema symptoms.

Malnutrition: Cancer and its treatments can lead to malnutrition and weight loss. Oncology rehabilitation addresses nutritional needs, offering dietary counseling, meal planning, and support to ensure patients receive proper nourishment.

Memory and Cognition: Some cancer treatments may cause cognitive impairments and memory difficulties. Oncology rehabilitation employs cognitive exercises, memory aids, and techniques to enhance cognitive function and address these challenges.

Mucositis and Mouth Sores: Chemotherapy and radiation can cause painful mucositis and mouth sores. Oncology rehabilitation focuses on oral care, pain management strategies, and supportive therapies to alleviate discomfort and promote healing.

Numbness: Nerve damage or neuropathy resulting from cancer treatments can lead to numbness or tingling sensations. Oncology rehabilitation utilizes sensory re-education techniques, therapeutic exercises, and medications to manage and improve sensation.

Pain: Cancer-related pain can be debilitating. Oncology rehabilitation offers various pain management strategies, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, medications, and alternative therapies such as acupuncture or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS).

Weight Loss: Unintentional weight loss is a common side effect of cancer and its treatments. Oncology rehabilitation addresses weight management through nutritional support, dietary counseling, and exercise programs tailored to individual needs.

Body Image: Cancer and its treatments can impact body image and self-esteem. Oncology rehabilitation provides counseling, body awareness exercises, and support groups to help patients cope with changes in physical appearance and foster a positive body image.

Digestive Issues: Cancer therapies may lead to digestive problems such as nausea, vomiting, and bowel irregularities. Oncology rehabilitation offers dietary modifications, medication management, and symptom control strategies to improve digestive health.

Dry Mouth: Dry mouth, or xerostomia, can result from cancer treatments. Oncology rehabilitation focuses on oral hygiene, saliva stimulation techniques, and medications to alleviate dry mouth symptoms and enhance oral comfort.

Eating Difficulties: Swallowing difficulties or dysphagia can arise due to cancer treatments. Oncology rehabilitation provides swallowing exercises, modified diets, and assistive devices to improve swallowing function and ensure safe and enjoyable eating.

Fatigue: Cancer-related fatigue is a common and distressing side effect. Oncology rehabilitation incorporates energy conservation techniques, exercise programs, and lifestyle modifications to manage fatigue and improve energy levels.

Immobility: Surgery, treatments, or physical impairments may limit mobility and functional abilities. Oncology rehabilitation employs physical therapy, mobility aids, and assistive devices to restore mobility and independence.

Insomnia: Cancer and its treatments can disrupt sleep patterns and lead to insomnia. Oncology rehabilitation addresses insomnia through sleep hygiene education, relaxation techniques, and behavioral interventions to improve sleep quality and promote restful nights.

Why Choose Sukino for Oncology Rehabilitation?

We at Sukino understand the role played by both physical and psychological support for patients seeking oncology rehabilitation after tumor removal surgeries or ongoing cancer treatments. Our services not only aim to address the challenges and emotional consequences associated with their diagnosis but also restore patients’ ability to live normal life. 

We offer comprehensive rehabilitation and support services for individuals undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy as part of their treatment. Understanding the potential side effects of these treatments, we prioritize effective pain management and provide crucial psychological support to patients during this challenging period. The additional reasons for opting for Sukino include: 

Pain Relief Services:

Chemotherapy is an exhaustive and painful treatment that takes a toll on patients physically and emotionally, leaving them drained. Our primary focus is to provide the best possible care by effectively managing the pain caused by the disease and its treatment.

Well-Trained and Experienced Staff:

Our team consists of highly skilled physicians, nurses, and therapists with extensive experience in catering to the specific needs of cancer patients undergoing therapy. They are trained to prioritize patient comfort while maintaining professional standards.

Group Therapies:

We incorporate support groups as part of our cancer rehabilitation program, aiming to restore patients’ social lives and create an empathetic environment that counters stigma.

Involvement of Families:

We emphasize involving families in most of the therapeutic services we offer, ensuring they are well informed and equipped to meet the patient’s needs once they transition out of our care.

24/7 Availability:

Our dedicated staff is available round-the-clock, providing on-call support and attending to emergencies and patient needs at any time of the day or night.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Oncology rehabilitation is a specialized program supporting individuals who have undergone medical treatment or major surgeries for cancers such as gastrointestinal, abdominal, and others.

Oncology rehabilitation can be beneficial to cancer patients experiencing a wide range of symptoms and side effects related to their treatment. It can help manage issues such as anxiety, balance problems, lymphedema, pain, fatigue, and many more.

Oncology rehabilitation may include a variety of services such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and language pathology, counseling, nutritional support, pain management, and supportive therapies to address specific symptoms and improve overall well-being.

Oncology rehabilitation can be tailored to individual needs such as the type and stage of cancer, treatment protocols, and individual patient factors. Though it is always best to consult with healthcare professionals to determine the appropriateness of oncology rehabilitation for a specific case.

Yes, oncology rehabilitation can address cancer-related fatigue. Through energy conservation techniques, exercise programs, and lifestyle modifications, oncology rehabilitation aims to manage fatigue and improve energy levels.

Yes, emotional support is an essential component of oncology rehabilitation. Counseling, support groups, and other psychosocial interventions may be offered to help patients cope with the emotional challenges associated with a cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Yes, oncology rehabilitation aims to manage and address a wide range of treatment-related side effects such as lymphedema, pain, nausea, swallowing difficulties, fatigue, and more.

Yes, oncology rehabilitation enhances the overall quality of life for cancer survivors by addressing physical, emotional, and functional aspects. It also aims to improve well-being, promote independence, and support individuals in resuming their normal activities and routines.

Sukino can be your preferred choice for oncology rehabilitation due to its comprehensive services, experienced staff, effective pain management, support groups, involvement of families, and round-the-clock availability for patient care.

Though oncology rehabilitation is generally safe, there are a few potential risks associated including fatigue, muscle soreness, joint stiffness, skin irritation, lymphedema exacerbation, and potential complications related to surgery or radiation therapy.