10 Health Goal Suggestions for 2025
We are well into the new year in the blink of an eye. While most of us were feverishly revamping our goal lists last month, very few are looking into those fervently scribbled pages promising ourselves better wealth, health, and prosperity.
But let’s not beat ourselves for it. Psychologists say that the loftier the goals the difficult it is for us to keep up. So the best way is to break them down and take them on one at a time.
While we can’t help you much with other ones, we’ve got you covered for your health goals. And trust us we aren’t going only to be talking about exercising just in case you were beginning to cringe.
So here it is, an interesting and doable list of little goals that will bring you great results and set you well on your path to enjoying better health.
10 Simple Health Goal Ideas
1. The first one is something you’re going to love instantly. It’s about sleeping more! So if you love gaming, your phone, and your tab, all we are asking you to do is wish them good night just an hour in advance before bedtime. That’s it. Simple isn’t it? So if you go to bed at 11 pm get a little lazier, put those gadgets away, and sleep at 10 pm. The result is that you shall wake up earlier and fresher to take on the world and nobody can ever stop a motivated and productive soul.
2. The second one is even better. We urge you to work a little lesser and make time to meet up with your friends, and family and spend more quality time with them. Leave your work stress behind this year and laugh a little more. Experts vouch for it saying that it improves your brain health and keeps Alzheimer’s and dementia away. Moreover, it also reduces your stress levels and enhances your self-esteem. So if you want a more confident you, you know what you have to do.
3. Any guesses for this one? Well, it is about being kind. Yes, you read that right! This year be more compassionate towards others. Go out of your way and help people, give them the benefit of the doubt, and forgive others. This will help you bring down your elevated heart rate, and keep chronic stress away.
4. The next one is- drink more! We wish we could indulge you but nah! We mean drink more water. If you want to know what eight simple glasses of water can do for you you have to read our blog on dehydration. That one, trust us is an eye-opener. So next time you reach out for alcohol, caffeinated drinks, packaged juices, etc try sipping water. It may just be what your body actually needs.
5. Goal no 5 is a winner and our favorite. Travel more this year. And by traveling mind you, we don’t mean to set you off in a competition with others about the number of destinations you ticked off on your abroad list. What we mean is to take breaks more often and go someplace where you actually feel refreshed and happy. It need not be a fancy country but some space just two hours away from your home that may give you the desired peace and tranquility. However here are two very important travel tips before you start planning. One -The idea is to relax and not rush to explore every inch of the place you plan to go. Second- try going solo so that you get time to reflect, have those important conversations with yourself, and return with the much-needed clarity and sense of direction.
6. In our daily routine, we all have forgotten one important thing that is extremely vital to our health and overall well-being. It is to slow down. What we mean by slowing down is to take some time out of your busy schedule daily and do what you genuinely enjoy doing. It could be pottery, sketching, reading a book, playing with a pet, or anything. The idea is to remember that we are humans and not machines and our brains and hearts need food for functioning well.
7. This year make it a point to vent it all out. Talk to your friends or family members if something is bothering you. If you don’t find it comfortable to talk then take a book and write down all your thoughts. You will be surprised to know that by doing this you improve your memory, relieve yourself from anxiety and depression and you become capable of achieving your goals faster.
8. Go green this year. Yes, get a new plant and nurture it every day. Talk to it, water it give it all your love, and see what happens. The little green bundle of joy can improve your immunity, and your heart health and make you sleep well.
9. Cooking can be therapeutic. So why not visit your kitchen more this year and cook up something interesting? It can be a simple dessert, a snack, or even a quick salad. Still better why not team up with family or friends and cook together? Cooking relieves stress and the best part is that you get to eat fresh home-cooked nutritious food that is excellent for your health.
10. Last but not the least. This year declutter your personal space. Start with your surroundings. Give away anything that you haven’t used in the past 40 days. It only means that you don’t need it. Organize a garage sale and sell off all your pre-owned products and make some money too out of it. The same goes for your thoughts. All the thoughts that take away your happiness and peace don’t deserve a place in your precious mind. Learn to silence them with meditation and yoga. And if you were waiting for us to say get rid of toxic people, please do so by all means without harming them.
BY: Sukino
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