Orthopedic Rehab Center

Ortho care is a closely supervised therapeutic approach aimed at facilitating recovery by addressing musculoskeletal limitations and reducing pain caused by trauma, illness, or surgery. This type of rehabilitation, often referred to as a musculoskeletal rehabilitation program, focuses on restoring motion, function, flexibility, and strength to the affected body part. Additionally, it helps individuals learn to incorporate assistive devices, develop new strategies to overcome persistent limitations, minimize symptoms, and prevent future issues.

At Sukino Healthcare, ortho care plays a transformative role with the support of highly skilled ortho physical therapists (PTs). These dedicated professionals assist patients in recovering from various musculoskeletal injuries, diseases, or surgeries. By integrating all bodily systems, especially the neurological and cardiovascular systems, with the musculoskeletal system, PTs deliver appropriate and effective treatment for injuries or conditions.

Through personalized care and guidance, ortho PTs help patients regain their daily activities following surgery, injury, accident, or illness. Ortho care not only restores physical well-being but also enhances the overall quality of life. It provides individuals with the opportunity to regain mobility, prevent future problems, and improve their overall health and functionality.

What Are the Components of Ortho Care?

At every ortho care center, you will be provided with comprehensive ortho care tailored to your specific needs. The key components ortho care program encompasses include:


  1. Physical Therapy: Utilizing a combination of manual therapies, targeted exercises, progressive stretches, and other effective techniques, skilled physical therapists rebuild your strength, flexibility, and mobility to optimize overall physical function. 
  2. Occupational Therapy: Occupational therapies empower you to regain independence in your everyday activities, such as bathing, cooking, driving, and working. It assists you in developing strategies and may provide adaptive tools to facilitate safer and easier engagement in activities that present challenges. The focus includes refining your fine motor skills, dexterity, hand-eye coordination, movement adaptation, and balance training.
  3. Hand Therapy: The intricate nature and importance of our hands in daily tasks warrant specialized attention. Hand therapy, a distinct branch of occupational therapy, concentrates on restoring arm and hand functionality. Hand therapists impart techniques, knowledge, and assistive devices to optimize hand usage and provide strategies for managing limitations.
  4. Sports Rehabilitation: For individuals recovering from sports-related injuries, a sports rehabilitation program focuses on evaluating and facilitating a safe return to sports activities. It helps athletes resume their participation with minimized risks.
  5. Physicians: The ortho care team includes physicians, such as primary care providers, physiatrists, and ortho surgeons. These medical professionals oversee your recovery progress and contribute their expertise to ensure comprehensive care throughout your rehabilitation journey.
  6. Other Specialists: Depending on your specific circumstances, additional specialists may be involved to address your unique needs. These specialists can include therapists, nutritionists, ortho surgery specialists, vocational rehabilitation experts, and other relevant professionals who contribute their expertise to your case.


The ortho care program aims to provide you with personalized care and support to optimize your recovery and enhance your overall well-being.

Ortho care

Benefits of Ortho Care?

Ortho care is recommended by doctors to address and aid in the recovery process of the following common conditions:


  1. Ankle Rehab: Targeted rehabilitation for ankle injuries, including Achilles tendon problems, ankle fractures, and sprains. The rehabilitation program focuses on promoting healing and restoring functionality to the ankle.
  2. Back Rehab and Lower Back Rehab: Rehabilitation programs are designed for injuries such as spinal fractures and herniated spinal discs, with a specific focus on the back and lower back areas. These programs aim to alleviate pain and improve function in the affected areas.
  3. Hip Rehab: Tailored rehabilitation for injuries such as hip fractures and labrum tears, aiming to promote healing and restore functionality to the hip joint.
  4. Hip Replacement Rehab: Specialized rehabilitation following total hip replacement or hip resurfacing surgery. These programs are designed to facilitate recovery, maximize outcomes, and restore optimal function to the hip joint.
  5. Knee Rehab: Comprehensive rehabilitation for knee injuries such as dislocated knees or ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tears. The goal of knee rehabilitation is to restore knee function and improve mobility.
  6. Knee Replacement Rehab: Rehabilitation programs following partial or total knee replacement surgeries. These programs support the recovery process and focus on optimizing knee functionality.
  7. Shoulder Rehab: Rehabilitation specifically designed for shoulder pain and injuries, such as rotator cuff tears. The aim of shoulder rehabilitation is to reduce pain, improve shoulder function, and enhance mobility.
  8. Wrist Rehab: Targeted rehabilitation programs for conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome, focusing on the wrist area to alleviate symptoms and restore wrist function.

Ortho care is recommended in these cases to facilitate recovery, enhance mobility, manage pain, and improve overall functional abilities related to specific ortho conditions. 

Why Sukino?

There are several compelling reasons why Sukino is a preferred choice for ortho care:


  1. Comprehensive and Customized Care: At Sukino, we offer comprehensive and personalized ortho care programs tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual. Our multidisciplinary team of specialists collaborates to design holistic treatment plans that consider specific conditions, injuries, or post-surgical requirements.
  2. Experienced and Skilled Professionals: Our team comprises experienced and skilled healthcare professionals, including physical therapists, occupational therapists, doctors, and other specialists who possess expertise in ortho care. They work collectively to optimize outcomes and provide the highest quality of care.
  3. State-of-the-Art Facilities and Equipment: We pride ourselves on having state-of-the-art facilities and modern rehabilitation equipment that enhance the rehabilitation process, accelerate recovery, and improve functional outcomes for our patients.
  4. Individualized Approach: Recognizing that each patient is unique, we adopt an individualized approach to care. We consider specific challenges, preferences, and lifestyle factors to create personalized rehabilitation plans that maximize the patient’s potential and promote faster and more effective recovery.
  5. Continuity of Care: We prioritize continuity of care by maintaining open communication among the rehabilitation team, ortho surgeons, and other medical professionals involved in the patient’s treatment. This collaborative approach enables seamless coordination and allows for timely adjustments to the rehabilitation program based on the patient’s progress.
  6. Patient Education and Self-Management: At Sukino, we place emphasis on patient education and empower individuals with the knowledge and tools needed for self-management. We provide guidance on self-care techniques, home exercises, and strategies for maintaining long-term ortho health. This approach empowers patients to take an active role in their recovery process.
  7. Positive Track Record: We have a proven track record in providing ortho care. Over the years, we have helped numerous individuals achieve successful rehabilitation outcomes and regain their functional independence.


By choosing Sukino for ortho care, individuals can expect comprehensive, personalized care delivered by experienced professionals in state-of-the-art facilities. We prioritize individual needs, maintain continuity of care, and emphasize patient education to empower individuals throughout their recovery journey. Our positive track record reflects our commitment to delivering successful rehabilitation outcomes and improving the lives of our patients.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Ortho care is a therapeutic recovery process for correcting musculoskeletal limitations and alleviating pain resulting from trauma, illness, or surgery. It aims to restore motion, function, flexibility, and strength while minimizing symptoms and preventing future issues.

Ortho care typically includes physical therapy, occupational therapy, hand therapy, sports rehabilitation, physician oversight, and the involvement of other specialists as and when needed for personalized care.

Physical therapy plays a crucial role in rebuilding strength, flexibility, mobility, and overall physical function through manual therapies, targeted exercises, stretches, and other techniques that amplify physical abilities.

The ortho care team comprises physical therapists, occupational therapists, physicians, and additional specialists based on individual needs.

Sukino offers comprehensive and customized ortho care programs performed by experienced healthcare professionals, with state-of-the-art facilities, an individualized approach, continuity of care, and patient education.

The healthcare professionals at Sukino have extensive experience and expertise in ortho care. They work collectively to optimize outcomes and provide high-quality care.

While ortho care is generally safe, some potential risks involved include delayed healing, muscle strains, joint stiffness, pain exacerbation, and the possibility of re-injury if proper precautions and guidelines are not followed.

Yes, if exercises or activities are performed improperly or without proper warm-up and stretching, there is a risk of muscle strains. It is crucial to maintain proper form and gradually increase intensity under professional supervision.

The risks of ortho care can be minimized by following the prescribed treatment plan accordingly, adhering to proper techniques and precautions, maintaining open communication with healthcare professionals, reporting any concerns or pain promptly, and gradually progressing as advised.

Ortho care offers several benefits, including improved mobility, reduced pain, enhanced strength and flexibility, faster recovery, increased independence in daily activities, and improved overall quality of life.